In the story of Moses striking the rock in the desert as God’s orders, and then later being denied entry into the Promised Land, we are not only taught the importance of obedience but also shown a significant symbol of the gospel. Moses striking the rock twice symbolizes the idea that the wrath of God can only be satisfied once, and that is through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We are all sinners and deserving of God’s wrath, but Jesus Christ took the full punishment for our sins on the cross. By accepting him as our Savior and Lord, we are forgiven and saved from the consequences of our sins. It is no longer necessary to strike the rock as Moses did because the wrath of God has already been satisfied through Jesus Christ. As believers, we must put our trust in Jesus, the rock of our salvation, and believe in his death and resurrection as the only way to the Father. Therefore, through Jesus Christ, we have access to the living water that quenches our thirst and satisfies our souls, and we can live freely in the grace of God, knowing that in Jesus Christ, we have found the rock on which our faith is built.
Moses Striking The Rock Twice – Exodus 17 Messianic Signifance, Jesus Connection