Self Condemnation Is A Sin. How To Overcome It.

woman showing left hand with wedding band

Having trouble breaking free from self-condemnation? If so, you may be living under the weight of condemnation. Here are four warning signs to watch out for:

God’s love and forgiveness seem unworthy to you.

You may be living in condemnation if you believe that your sins are too great to be forgiven. According to Romans 8:1, “There is, therefore, no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” God’s love and forgiveness are available to everyone who believes in Jesus.

Feelings of guilt and shame plague you.

Living under condemnation can cause you to feel guilty or ashamed all the time. Nevertheless, as a believer, you have been freed from the power of sin and shame. Instead of dwelling on your mistakes, focus on God’s Word and His promises of redemption and forgiveness.

It is difficult for you to believe that you are a new creation in Christ.

You may be living under condemnation if you are struggling to believe that you are a new creation in Christ. But the Bible tells us that when we come to Christ, we become a new creation, and our old self is gone (2 Corinthians 5:17). You are not defined by your past mistakes; instead, embrace your new identity in Christ.

It is difficult for you to receive God’s blessings.

It is possible that you are living under condemnation if you struggle to receive God’s blessings. However, God wants to bless you abundantly! As a believer, you are a child of God and can enjoy all of His blessings. Rather than rejecting His blessings, learn to appreciate and enjoy them.

Take heart if any of these warning signs resonate with you. You don’t have to live under condemnation anymore. Instead, focus on the truth of God’s Word and His promises of forgiveness, redemption, and freedom in Christ.


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