Essential Facts That Scholars and Historians Use To Verify The Historicity Of The Resurrection Of Jesus

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Some of the facts and evidence that scholars and historians use to support the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus.

  1. The resurrection of Jesus is a central event in the Christian faith and is attested to in the New Testament.
  2. The accounts of the resurrection in the New Testament are widely regarded as historical documents.
  3. The Gospels were written within the lifetime of eyewitnesses to the events they describe.
  4. The Gospels contain multiple independent accounts of the resurrection.
  5. The earliest Christian creed, which dates to within a few years of the crucifixion, affirms the resurrection of Jesus (1 Corinthians 15:3-8).
  6. The tomb in which Jesus was buried was found empty by several women who visited it early on the third day after his crucifixion.
  7. The empty tomb is attested to by multiple sources in the New Testament, including the Gospels and the letters of Paul.
  8. The empty tomb is also attested to by early non-Christian sources, such as the Jewish historian Josephus and the Roman historian Tacitus.
  9. The fact that the tomb was empty is difficult to explain without the resurrection.
  10. The disciples’ belief in the resurrection is difficult to explain if the tomb was not empty.
  11. The appearances of the risen Jesus are attested to by multiple sources in the New Testament.
  12. The appearances of the risen Jesus are also attested to by early non-Christian sources, such as the Jewish historian Josephus.
  13. The disciples’ belief in the resurrection is difficult to explain without the appearances.
  14. The disciples’ transformation from frightened and disheartened followers to bold proclaimers of the resurrection is difficult to explain without the resurrection.
  15. The disciples’ willingness to suffer and die for their belief in the resurrection is difficult to explain without the resurrection.
  16. The Jewish authorities and the Roman authorities had a vested interest in preventing the spread of Christianity and could have easily produced Jesus’ body to disprove the resurrection if it did not occur.
  17. The fact that Christianity spread rapidly and survived persecution suggests that there was something powerful behind its message.
  18. The resurrection was the centerpiece of the apostolic preaching in the early church.
  19. The resurrection was the focus of Christian worship from the earliest days of the church.
  20. The resurrection is the basis for Christian hope in the afterlife.
  21. The resurrection is the foundation of Christian theology.
  22. The resurrection is a unique event in human history.
  23. The resurrection is an event that defies naturalistic explanations.
  24. The resurrection is an event that has been the subject of debate and discussion for centuries.
  25. The resurrection is an event that has inspired countless works of art, literature, and music.
  26. The resurrection is an event that has changed the course of human history. Keep in mind that Jesus only lived to the age of 33, only preached for three years of ministry, Never ventured more than a few dozen miles from his home, never wrote a book or any thesis or religious scripture and was only known of, during his life, by a few thousand people
  27. The resurrection is an event that has given hope to millions of people.
  28. The resurrection is an event that has been the focus of scholarly inquiry for centuries.
  29. The resurrection is an event that has been the subject of numerous books, articles, and debates.
  30. The resurrection is an event that has been studied by scholars from a wide variety of disciplines.
  31. The resurrection is an event that has been the subject of archaeological investigations.
  32. The resurrection is an event that has been the subject of scientific investigations.
  33. The resurrection is an event that has been the subject of philosophical investigations.
  34. The resurrection is an event that has been the subject of theological investigations.
  35. The resurrection is an event that has been the subject of legal investigations.
  36. The resurrection is an event that has been the subject of literary investigations.
  37. Historian Gary Habernas as one example of the academics who have researched and studied Jesus and the resurrection has written numerous books on the topic and recently wrote another one – 4300 pages long which is all new information not covered in any of his previous works!
  38. *Though controversial, realize that the image on the Shroud of Turin cannot be replicated by any modern technology.

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