Prayer For Local And Global Church

Dear Father in heaven,

We come before You with gratefulness, giving thanks for the blessing of life and the ability to be Your servants. We are thankful for being a part of Your global church, which is spread out around all nations and cultures, as well as for the chance to participate in Your mission to reach out to all people. We ask for Your guidance concerning our local church, that it will be a shining symbol of hope, light, and love in our vicinity. May it be a place where those who suffer can find relief, those astray can find redemption, and those damaged can discover completion. Let unity reign over our church; let everyone feel accepted regardless of their race, heritage, gender expression or social standing.

We acknowledge the agony of suffering that plagues countless individuals in our world, such as poverty and hunger. We earnestly beg You to help those who are famished, parched, or ill. Grant us wisdom and tools so that we can eliminate the main reasons behind poverty and provide long-term remedies. We also ask that You fill governments, leaders, and organizations with Your love and sagacity as they move towards removing starvation altogether.

Lord, we pray for Your global church’s leaders, that they may be filled with Your Spirit, wisdom, and courage as they lead Your people towards Your kingdom. The work they do should bear fruit in the lives of millions of people, and we pray that they will be united in purpose, vision, and mission. As the enemy seeks to divide and destroy Your church, we pray for their protection, guidance, and strength. Let them serve your will as humble servants, seeking Your glory instead of their own.

Lastly, we pray for ourselves, for being open to Your will and receptive to Your guidance. We pray that we may be instruments of Your love, grace, and mercy, reaching out to those in need and hurting. Let us be ambassadors for Your kingdom, working tirelessly to fulfill Your mission in the world around us. Your love, Your Spirit, and Your glory guide all of our efforts, both global and local.

Amen. We pray in Jesus’ name.


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