What is True?–Jesus Says, “Look at the Fruit.” – Patheos

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What is True?–Jesus Says, “Look at the Fruit.”  Patheos

In response to His disciples’ question about discerning truth, Jesus imparted a parable that encouraged them to evaluate the outcomes, symbolized as fruit. He emphasized that a tree’s good fruit revealed its true nature, while bad fruit warranted disposal for firewood.

Examining the repercussions of rejecting and marginalizing vulnerable groups within families, churches, and societies uncovers a distressing array of consequences. Such actions lead to depression, anxiety, self-hatred, shame, self-harm, substance abuse, disconnection from God, the church, and the community, isolation, anger, severe mental afflictions, and, tragically, even suicide.

On the contrary, embracing the teachings that promote unconditional love and acceptance from God, the Church, families, and communities for historically-marginalized groups yields a plethora of positive outcomes. This includes health, healing, love, joy, peace, self-acceptance, stable relationships, reconciliation with God, the Church, family unity, and a sense of wholeness.

Incorporating historically-marginalized groups into the fabric of society is akin to fully embracing and accepting children with disabilities or neurodiversity, such as Autism. Just as we discern the fruit, we should also rely on scientific understanding, guided by the teachings of Christ and His Church.

It is essential to avoid the misapplication of doctrine in ways that compromise the health and well-being of individuals, particularly those whom Jesus refers to as “The Least of These.” Instead, upholding the principles of unconditional love and acceptance aligns with Christ’s teachings and reflects the true essence of His Church.

* This article was originally published here

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