The Swan Silvertones were one of the most influential gospel groups of the 20th century. They were also one of the first black gospel groups […]
Does Growing Towards God Always Involve Suffering?
No matter what your religious beliefs may be, it’s safe to say that suffering is a part of life. We all experience hardship and pain, […]
Why Do Christians Find It So Difficult To Follow The “One Another” Commands In The New Testament?
There are two things that Christians are called to do in the New Testament: love God and love others. The second commandment is found in […]
Why Are Modern Christian Churches Anti-Biblical?
Christianity, the religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, is one of the largest and most widespread religions in the world. And while there […]
Why Martin Luther Will Always Be Important… And It’s Not His Haircut
Introduction When you hear the name Martin Luther, what do you think of? Most likely, you think of the Protestant Reformation. And while that’s certainly […]
Does Galatians 2:20 Say That We Are Now Only Christ And No Longer Our Worldly Personalities?
Galatians 2:20 is a popular verse among Christians, and for good reason. It’s a powerful statement of our new identity in Christ. But what does […]
Is Anger Permissible In Christianity? Or Can God Alone Be Angry?
Anger is a very common feeling. Christian counselors say that half of all people who come in for counseling have problems dealing with anger. Anger […]
Sing The Glory Of Jesus – How Jesus Influenced Contemporary Music More Than Anyone
How did Jesus influence contemporary music more than anyone? It might be easier to list the ways He didn’t. From Bowie to Bieber, Dylan to […]
COP 27 New 10 Commandments = Biblical Prophesied Blasphemy Delivered On Schedule
The COP 27 meeting in Madrid delivered on its promise to blaspheme God and His Word. The new 10 “commandments” are an abomination and will […]
Philippians 4- Peace of God
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace […]
How To Win Favor Of God Through Prayer And Remaining Faithful
Introduction We live in a world that is constantly trying to pull us away from God. It seems like every day there is something new […]
Starting A Support Group For Church Hurt People
It’s no secret that the church can be a hurtful place. There are plenty of people who have been wounded by their experiences in church […]
Is Christmas A Legit Holiday For Christians To Celebrate Or A Pagan Abomination?
Christmas is a holiday that is celebrated by Christians around the world. However, there is some debate as to whether or not it is a […]
When Church Becomes Hurtful
For many people, church is a safe place. It’s a place of community, of support, and of love. But for some, church can be a […]
What To Do When The Pastor Has Targetted You For Chastisement
No one likes to be chastised. It’s a form of public humiliation that can be difficult to recover from, especially when it’s coming from someone […]
Why Is Jesus Always Fought?
Introduction If you grew up in the Christian faith, chances are you’ve been taught that Jesus is the only way to salvation. So why is […]
Can Christians Be Aggressive Against Enemies At The Church Or Have To Turn The Other Cheek?
This is a question that has been debated for centuries, and there is no easy answer. In the Bible, Jesus says to love our enemies […]
Parallels Between The Stories Of Jesus And Moses
Many Christians are familiar with the stories of Jesus and Moses. But what many don’t realize is that there are striking parallels between the two. […]